
Monday, January 21, 2013

Flu Season

Around here, flu season has hit pretty hard. I’ve spent the past two weeks fighting it myself, even though I always take good precautions to avoid being infected.

This is probably an airborne virus, though, and with people hacking and sneezing all around, it’s really hard to avoid. There are some ways to help, though.

  • Handwashing! Yes, you’ve heard this before and you’ll hear it again. Wash your hand frequently, especially when you’re out in public and touching things a lot of other people have touched.
  • Nutrition! Take your vitamins and eat properly so your body can fight off those bugs more effectively.
  • Hydration! Drink plenty of water, tea, and juices. Your body is made up of liquids for the most part, so feed that part of your system to keep the bad stuff flushed out.
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